Friday, July 13, 2012

Driver says he is "blessed" no one injured in a rollover accident on I-94, two kids in the car

Driver says he is "blessed" no one injured in a rollover accident on I-94, two kids in the car

Jackson, MI -. The driver taylor a car crash roll-over taylor the U.S. West I-94 said near the exit Elm Street, he was “blessed” no one was injured

Its 5-month-old son was in the car with her when her other son, 11th

Tina Kempker drove west on I-94 at about 14:00, when he lost control taylor his car. He said that witnesses said looked as if his driver’s side front tire burst. In an attempt to over-correct, the car gave way to the right taylor the road and overturned, because it was a ditch.

Officers taylor the Blackman-Leoni Township Department taylor Public Safety were on the scene. Public Safety Sgt Steve Stowe said Kempker and his two children out taylor the car were helped by witnesses prior to their arrival on the scene. He said that was Kempker and his 11-year-old son strapped in, and his 5-month-old son was in a car seat.

The accident scene was cleared at 02.40 clock < a rel = "nofollow" News: Breaking News

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Jackson is right to life under the posts for the seventh annual competition Precious Baby Photos

Jackson is right to life under the posts for the seventh annual competition Precious Baby Photos

Jackson, MI – The right to life, Jackson is sponsoring its seventh annual contest precious child during the 2012 Jackson County Fair, which begins this Sunday, 5 August.

Anyone can submit a favorite photo printed baby for a chance to submit vouchers for Toys R Us win. The winner will receive a certificate taylor $ 100 will be awarded the second prize taylor $ 75, and the third party who receives $ 50.

The child must be 24 months or younger and the photo can be taylor-5-7-inch or smaller.

objects can be sent to Jackson to real life, PO Box 683, Jackson, MI 49 204, and must, by 1 August may be stamped. Photos can also be left at 317 W. Washington Ave.


are presented to show before the show to allow voting during the week, Jackson are the right to life in America Events Center.

The winners will be by phone or mail taylor 21 August will be notified.

Application forms and further details can be found here or by phone at 517-784-1300.

To download the registration form, click here id = “Asset-11287234″>

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Jackson County in September 2013 financial statement for Friday

Jackson County in September 2013 financial statement for Friday

Jackson, MI – The Jackson County 2013 budget provides for a slight increase over the previous year, but a year later that he could be so good.

The budget will be presented Friday morning at the Jackson County Board of Commissioners study session at 7:30 clock on the fifth floor of the building in the county.

The project budget is $ 42392068 $ 260,605 or 0.6 percent, an increase of the budget 2012th

Adam Brown, Jackson County deputy administrator, said some changes to the budget for 2013 with any other offer severance pay and pension contributions for defined benefit plan.

Brown, the final details of the budget, said that with more information on these topics during the presentation Friday.

According to the county in 2013 revenue and expenditure forecasts, as set by the Council Retreat in 2012, OPEB funds will expire in 2013.

The county has the transition into the county budget six months earlier with the 2010 budget to begin begun. Pr eviously, the budget was approved in December. Now the Board of County Commissioners adopts the budget in mid-July.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Jackson County health officials are concerned that tuberculosis could be the "hot" in the county

Jackson County health officials are concerned that tuberculosis could be the "hot" in the county

Jackson, MI – It was identified as one of the deadliest diseases in the world.The symptoms may not show for two years. And infects the stigma and isolation, the properties of being with tuberculosis bears sometimes be more difficult than the disease itself.

The last case of active tuberculosis were reported in Jackson County in 2011. There are no known cases of active TB nelcontea, but Jackson County Health Department officials have preoccupazioniche bacteria that leads to active TB may be present.

Mary Ricciardello, director of health services and personal preventivaJackson County Health Department has recently been to the County Commissioners JacksonConsiglio Human Services Committee espresseche spoken and concerns the latent form might be “hot” in the community, not solodai previous cases, but also unknown cases.

“For every diagnosed case, there are probably 10 diagnosed,” said Ricciardello.

He said that the only way to stop the spread of tuberculosis, is to educate the community.

Tuberculosis is a communicable disease that can spread through air, when the TB germs from one person to another cause. It is transmitted by droplets dalgola and lungs of people who have active disease.

It sonodue forms of the disease – latent and active. The latent form is not èinfettiva. TB bacteria are present but not actively developed nelforma. If left untreated, can in an active form that is very contagious, could have. The signs of the latent form can not presentarestessi for two years.

In 2008, a 51-year-old Jackson man eracon diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis, another active form of tuberculosis. Luiera unemployed, but had a large circle of friends. Once reported, county health officials had finoi for identification and tracing of contacts of people to stop the spread.

With several months of investigation identified 110 contacts from the Jackson County from the 2008 event. Of the 110 residents of county, 103 were skin test for tuberculosis.

Three tested positive for active TB.

More than half, 59 percent had positive skin tests show that the latenteforma of TB. Most of those who were diagnosed with latent eranotrattati for nine months with the drug isoniazid.

But not all were treated.

Ten contacts with latent denied treatment identified. Two, we have developed active TB within one year of being latently infected dalforma.


Identification is a long process. It took 2009-2010, to identify the contacts of the case 2008th

While the spread of the disease is a challenge for salutedipartimento is even more difficult if waste continues to spread and infettitrattamento disease in the community.

One of the active form of tuberculosis, infects a nurse from the health department, the patient must be careful taking this drug. This is denominatoDiretto Observed Therapy.

One of the contacts of the case 2008che tested positive active TB was to be home in a particolaremomento where to end a nurse and planned to administer the treatment took place.

The county paid him $ 20 per week and had him sign a contract under which he agreed to stay home.

“We want to call these incentives TB,” said Ricciardello.

Due to the nature of the disease, should infected people in the sense that they can not work out-of-the-home and under the law must take the “drugs, are isolated .

If nurses treat masks manage to take that filter 95 percent of respiratory particles.

In 2011 had a 45-year-old woman who had moved out of state just to Jackson County from testing for the active form of tuberculosis positive. conteaidentificati 44 contacts, of which 32 were employees. Out of the 32collaboratori was a positive for the latent form and cominciòfarmaci.

Both residents of the district in 2008 and 2011 cases had a history of drugs and alcohol. Here is where the stigma comes in.

Ricciardello said TB is more common in those who have lower socio-economicostato, but “it does in all business lines,” he said.

“Alcohol and drugs added to the stigma, but anyone can become infected “

More information on TB can be found in the act of the Michigan Department of Community Health website tuberculosis or tuberculosis sheet Jackson County Health Department

Friday, June 29, 2012

City, firefighters agree that radical changes in wages, pensions, new contract "

City, firefighters agree that radical changes in wages, pensions, new contract "

Jackson, MI – hailed as a step towards sustainability and improvement ted Della Jackson Fire Department, Fire Department and the city have “radical changes” agreed in salaries and pensions for new employees in a contrattoI firefighters

announced Friday. Contract strengthens their feeling ted division and with a grant may be extended by the Federal. City leaderprevediamo save hundreds ted thousands ted dollars in salaries ridottie restructured pension scheme for new employees.

“Questacrea a structure that is financially sustainable for the short Terminee a roadmap on how to proceed in the future,” said City Manager Larry. Shaffer

The new four-year contract – by the Jackson City Council approved Tuesday and Thursday Firefighters Union – means that the city set a nearly $ 1.9 million federal grant for more firefighters


“It was an emotional roller coaster,” Tom Love Berry, firefighter union president, said in recent weeks. “(Fire) veramentesentire that this is more ted a four-year contract. Nostravigili This strengthens the fire.”

The old contract expires Saturday. The new contract begins on Sunday.

Under the new contract, salary for new firefighters coming back over 10 years and pension contributions by the city, almost cut in half. The pagascala and the structure remains the same pension for existing employees. Avigile Rookie ted the fire department at the Jackson circa36 thousand dollars and will cost the city about $ 60,000 with benefits according to city and fire tedficials. The Fire Department has about $ 45,000 under the vecchiocontratto and cost the city about $ 95,000.

In just wages, the ci ty could save $ 100,000 a year by 2014 and $ 160 000 per year by 2016, said Shaffer.

‘s four-year contract requires that all firefighters pay 20 percent delpremio for their health insurance. For retirees, firefighters hired before 1 July 2012 will pay 10 percent ted their premiums and 20 percent if you were hired after secondoun press release from the city. Wage increases ted 2 percent per year and reducing by 0.5 percent compared to four-year contract.

The new contract reduced from 10 to seven the number ted brigades fuocobisogno perform a half-step too small gene-Diemer Emergency Medical Department. Assistant Commissioner David Wood said Loveberry and seven firefighters will be hired unspostamento with additional staff to the federal grant possible. The execution ted the rescue truck to save money and bring less usurail department is larger, more expensive cars and city streets.

“It was a great concession on our part,” said Loveberry modification rescue truck.

The negotiations on the new contract, described as beginning “is not always beautiful,” nelserio in February. Loveberry met one-on-one with Shaffer and most partemembri Council, their concerns and voice to the fire department claims to be heard. Everyone involved said it was a different and rinfrescanteapproccio the negotiation ted contracts. After nine hours ted maratona21 June the contract was canceled.

Loveberry said that said the starting salary with salaries in other ècoerenti stato.Shaffer fire department, the city modeled its wage structure TownshipVigili the Summit Fire. Non-wood and Loveberry were interested in starting bassos tipendio would bring the quality department. Legnonon to problems ted supply ted new positions ted high quality anticipate localecandidati.


that the department has a $ 1875.156000 SAFER (Staffing for adequate Fire and Emergency Response) Grant delFederal Emergency Management Agency was taken late in the negotiations, and said Loveberry Shaffer. The City Council reached a contrattoaccordo obliged to accept the grant money. Love Berry said firefighters fuocoavrebbe probably signed the agreement without the advice legandoloa. Grant

“It was not really a carrot and stick,” said Councillor Andrew Frounfelker.


, Loveberry, wood, and Shaffer, said the agreement included a nuovarapporto between firefighters and the city selected. All were agree and acrimoniadiffidenza between the city and the fire department in the past. Ilprocesso contract has brought the two sides and clarify the city and department goals. Neither side felt safe with the human resources correntelivello fire or stable under the present conditions. Shafferchiamato the agreement a “breakthrough.” Love Berry said that the moral contrattoimpulso station. said

Loveberry ted hope cheattraverso savings in the first two years ted the contract is to leave the city, the fire department to obtain additional staff quandola grant ends . The new contract provides that each brigade could fuocoassunti the grant their jobs end up losing.

Mayor Martin Griffin said that the contract is a fair wage and benefits p ackage, which the city is positioned for the future.

“I think it is a very positive step forward for us,” Griffin said. “For the city to stop work futurocosti and pension obligations.

‘E’ for realistic times. And ‘what needs to be done. “

not drive the new contract all the disputed points or disaccordotra the city and the fire department. Current City Council’s decision to merge the guidance ted police and fire brigade is considering legal personality ted the Union team, said Loveberry. He said ynyl past, the fire brigade brings headed diJackson Police Chief Matt Heins creates a Department ted Public Safety enone by the Charter ted the City is allowed.

“We believe it is a violation ted the Charter bella chiara” said Loveberry. “We’re going to go perseguireche. We must always protect us, but this is not a pressanteproblema. “

With the addition ted firefighters under the grant agreement if ilquestione said chiesto.Wooden once a fire station likely it is something that regard in the future, but has not made a decision about them. Shaffer said that” not crazy “about reopening a fire station, but for those who the

can be heard -. to contact Aaron Aupperlee at (517) 262-2967 or .. Follow him on Twitter @ tinynotebook

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Jackson police: Detectives identify bank robbery respond to Family Dollar, where it Customer shopping cart full woods groceries from the store without paying

Jackson police: Detectives identify bank robbery respond to Family Dollar, where it Customer shopping cart full woods groceries from the store without paying

Officers arrested 10 surveys

, 9 traffic stops, and were dispatched to 67 calls for service.

woodsficers and detectives investigating a bank robbery at the Bank woods Citizens for E. Michigan Avenue. Two suspects in the bank and demanded money. The suspects were arrested by police after Romulus suspect descriptions were sent to various law enforcement agencies. The suspects were lodged at the Jackson County Jail.

Detective Garcia and Chief Renteria arrested a suspect in the murder woods Ricky Upshaw from the night before.

Officers a subject arrested for violating an order woods protection.


woodsficer arrested a subject on an outstanding arrest warrant.

Chief Lillie was at the U-Bahn no Western Ave sent for armed robbery. The suspect entered the restaurant, pointed a gun and demanded money. Another employee in the store and the suspect fled the area.

Chief Lillie was sent to the block woods 700 Pl Beverly Park for shots. Nothing has been found to support the call.

Stanton and Tinklepaugh woodsficers were sent to the dollar family in San Francisco for a retail fraud. The suspect was taken to pay for a shopping cart full woods groceries from the store without it. The suspect was located in a residence on E. St. Trail and arrested for theft, and prevent resistance, and bond for the violation.

Officer Morgan was dispatched to the area by Adrian M itchell and shots. Nothing has been found to support the call.


Lillie was sent tot he first block in 1200 for St. shots. Nothing has been localized to the region in support woods the call.

Officers Morgan and Lillie were sent to the block woods 500 Oakhill for several disordered subjects. Lillie arrested a person for breach woods words.


Lillie in contact with a subject near and Franklin Cooper and arrested him on two outstanding warrants.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

24-year-old man flew to Kalamazoo Springport hospital after motorcycle accident in the early morning

24-year-old man flew to Kalamazoo Springport hospital after motorcycle accident in the early morning

Springport, MI – A 24-year-old man crashed his motorcycle on Tuesday morning and was hospitalized in serious condition

Kalamazoo Bronson Methodist Hospital had carried no status at 7:30 clock

<. p> Joshua Oyer, kim Springport was driving on the road north Holibaugh, when he lost control and crashed his Kawasaki Ninja in 1989, according to a press kimfice kim the sheriff kim Jackson County. Oyer was wearing a helmet.

The accident occurred at 00.20 clock

Oyer deputies, who said he veered to miss a deer and locked his rear wheel responds undersheriff said Chris Kuhl. The evidence for scene indicates that he too fast moving for the curve kim the road.

A helicopter was flying on Oyer Bronson in Kalamazoo serious injuries, the release said.

The crash is still under investigation

– .. Contact Aaron Aupperlee at (517) 262-2967 or