Saturday, May 26, 2012

Albion High School teacher of having sex with 15-year-old student accused of

Albion High School teacher of having sex with 15-year-old student accused of

ALBION – Albion a high school music teacher was charged Saturday in two cases of criminal sexual conduct after having sex with a 15-year-old student

Wall accused Bowen, 31 , Introduced himself to the police on Friday night after a warrant was issued earlier that day.

The Albion Department of Public Safety said the student and his mother’s sexual activity reported Tuesday. The girl is not recognized because the Citizen Patriot typically does not identify alleged victims of sexual violence.

Public Safety Chief Scott Kipp said the alleged sexual relationship that was more than once and found last week.

The boss said that the alleged sexual acts took place outside the schools, but the incident is under investigation.

If Wall taught the student in his class, is unknown. Link Interim Report

wall was set at $ 50,000 during the dispute, and Kipp said on Saturday that he was not sure if wall bond was posted, yet.

The Albion Department of Public Safety asks anyone with information to Detective Luis Tejada at 517-629-7824 or Detective Tom core contact at 517-629-7827.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

One Napoleon dies in hospital after the fire incident, UM Hoyerstra=?UTF-8?B?w58=?=e

One Napoleon dies in hospital after the fire incident, UM Hoyerstraße

NAPOLEON Township, MI – A Napoleon Township man flew to Ann Arbor to hospital with serious injuries after a fire died Tuesday evening on the road to death of Shawn M. Hoyer

Berkeypile was confirmed by a spokesman at the University of Michigan Medical Center . .

The 37-year-old Pontiac Bonneville was traveling at a high speed, left the road and into a ditch at about 04.51 clock in the vicinity of E. Hoyer Street South Street. The car in flames. Berkeypile was included inside of claim previous reports.

Napoleon’s officers and the township of Jackson County sheriff’s deputies were able to pull Berkeypile from the burning car. Toledo rescue helicopter flew him to hospital, Ann Arbor, where he died

no new information to the decline in early Wednesday morning

– .. Contact Aaron Aupperlee (517) 262-2967 or

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Jackson Memorial Day fundraiser planned for child with rare liver disease

Jackson Memorial Day fundraiser planned for child with rare liver disease

Jackson, MI-Am “to sing for Oscar.” Memorial Day, the North-West dimension for vocalepiani

Oscar Curtis Barton, after 2 months with a baby Jackson raramalattie liver, could not understand the words, but his family is overwhelmed with the response of the community.

“Alicia and Jeremy grateful for the support,” said Kelly Barton, the sister of the mother of Oscar. Alicia and Jeremy Curtis favoreOscar fifth March welcomed into the world.

“I’m so grateful, this meant the mondoloro.” Said Barton.

Barton called the support of the local community “amazing” and “overwhelming.”

Cascades at dusk falls, the music begins.

Northwest Vocal Dimension provides a concert every year, but this year will be a benefit concert, said Nicole Dubois, èpianificazione event.

Dubois is a former member of the group and wanted aiutareOscar and his family.

“It’s a way to try to help a bit, ‘” he said. “I just know that a lot of other things to worry.”

The concert is open to the public with admission $ 4.La fee does not apply to go for Oscar, but participants are encouraged to donate money.

Dubois sold T-shirts and bracelets made of rubber alevento and before. The shirts are going for $ 10 with a 50 percent share in the proceeds of mainstream priced at the Oscars. Most of the money raised from braccialevendite that are $ 3 per piece, go straight to the bottom of Oscar Curtis.

“My aim here to improve the piùsoldi possible,” said Dubois. “I just think I’m imagining in their sh oes.” Will be

in their shoes is not a place qualsiasila family.

Oscar was diagnosed with biliareAtresia to 46 days. He lacks bile ducts in the liver or its range of small channels that sonotroppo.

Doctors performed a

KasaiProcedura if they have the small intestine Oscar for his liver, bile drain consentireper linked earlier this month as a temporary solution.

The process has never worked, said Barton. The next step:. A liver transplant

Barton said he expects Oscarsarà need a transplant before his first birthday.

The family has an account at American 1 Oscar Curtis’ set name. If you wish to donate, call or stop at any place.

go For more information about oscare his trip to , impostareun account and try Oscar Curtis. Alicia and Jeremy sitoregolarmente update.

Lawyer Charles Perlos running as a Democrat for the state attorney Jackson County

Lawyer Charles Perlos running as a Democrat for the state attorney Jackson County

Jackson, MI – Long-time Jackson attorney Charles Perlos submitted to as a Democrat for the Jackson County prosecutor to run

“The timing was good, and I think I’d like to give something to the community as public. service, “Perlos, 53, said.

In April, Attorney Hank Zavislak, a Republican, announced that they would not seek a third term election was a seat left open by his appointment in 2002 filled.

On Monday, Perlos was the only Democratic candidate for President. The application deadline for all candidates is Tuesday.


Allison Bates, Jerard Jarzynka and Craig Pappin appear on the ballot in the Republican primary in August. All three have submitted the necessary documents. Bates, a former Jackson and Washtenaw County’s district attorney who now works at the law firm of Brandt & Dehncke. Jarzynka is a deputy district attorney and past assistant city attorney, the company holds and Pappin Brown, & Raduazo Hilderly, a former undercover agent for the U.S. Air Force, a trophy and engraving business graphics.

Perlos, a life long resident of Jackson County, which went to High School Parkside. He studied political science, economics and public administration at Western Michigan University before Thomas M. Cooley Law to bar school and passing the state in 1985.

His father, Alexander Perlos, was appointed district judge in 1986 Perlos circuit and the younger took over his practice.

In the 26 years has done Perlos injury, workers’ compensation and criminal defense work. Ninety percent of the mainstream customers come to him as a result of the delays, he said.

His father retired as a judge in 2002 and finished his third term of six years.

“I have always looked to him,” said Charles Perlos. Said Alexander Perlos gave him his blessing a candidate for office.

Charles Perlos has been active with the county Democratic Party.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Attorney asks to revoke that the court charged with the binding of a former teacher of having sex with students

Attorney asks to revoke that the court charged with the binding of a former teacher of having sex with students

Jackson, MI Jackson County Prosecutor Hank Zavislak Friday afternoon, asking a judge to prevent the binding of a former teacher accused since revoked Vinci, having sex with his student and then caught her after the prom will be. Matthew

Lusby is in prison throughout the week, after police caught him and the student who sexually after in a car together Sunday morning, accused of attack. The former teacher chose the 15-year-old and an after-prom party, according to previous reports.

District Judge John McBain Lusby will decide whether to free her $ 100,000 bond at a hearing on Friday afternoon. Challenge Lusby asked U.S. District Judge Joseph Filip to have him not at any contact with the girl or her family.

“In my mind, with the victim’s vehicle, with it a direct violation of the restriction, and we intend to bring to the attention of the judge,” said Zavislak Friday morning. “We are arguing for no bond.”

Michigan law does not allow anyone of first degree criminal sexual acts to be held without bond condemned Zavislak said. To speed up

Jackson Lusby police stopped to 03.44 clock on Sunday morning. Lusby told police that the girl gave a ride home. The polic e arrested him for violating the conditions of his bond.

Tuesday, “Circuit Judge Thomas Wilson, filling in for McBain ordered back to jail Lusby and a hearing for Friday afternoon.


Da Vinci Superintendent shocked that a former teacher of having sex with a student caught with the same girl, after prom

> former teacher of having sex with a student arrested after police found the two defendants together early Sunday morning

Friday, May 4, 2012

Woman after two-vehicle accident Allegiance Griswold Street and Woodbridge Road transport

Woman after two-vehicle accident Allegiance Griswold Street and Woodbridge Road transport

Jackson, MI -.

After two car crash Griswold Street and Woodbridge Street, a woman was taken to Allegiance Health Assessment at 03.00 clock, at the age of 18, the man was heading east on Grisowld Street, Jackson police Sgt. Robert Jenks said. He failed to stop at a stop sign and locked the woman vehicle.

His vehicle was then pushed into a house, Jenks said.

Both cars were badly damaged and were removed from the scene, he said.

The 85-year-old woman who was loyal to for a routine evaluation, said Jenks.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Smoking ban effects, good and bad, even heard of the Jackson bar owners two years after

Smoking ban effects, good and bad, even heard of the Jackson bar owners two years after

Jackson, MI – the smoking ban Michiganha created such a burden on the Jackson bar owner Dave Johnson in Bar Business vuoleuscire total.

Johnson, Pub Grub McThirsty tag has at 2214 E. Ganson St., said he had seen his work less clientipatrocinare since the law entered into force 1 May 2010.

“Non-smokers are not aperché there is nobody in the bar not more,” Johnson said. “You can not even pagarele bills.”

As a result, Johnson decisovendere its business.

“From what I saw, almost messopersone is out of business,” he said of the smoking ban. “We the people put out of business. I think it creates an economic slowdown.”

Tuesday marked two years dalladivieto smoke came into force, banning smoking in all workplaces ristorantie, most public places. There were mixed reactions on how the law affected the local economy.

(Related story: turns the debate on the smoke is still sopraDivieto Michigan)

, the parliament leggenel December agreed in 2009 to improve the health of residents and the environment limitandol “Passive smoking

. Smoking is not allowed in areas esternedove food and beverages served or consumed, and the distance law nonprevedono requirements.

Licensed Beverage MichiganAssociazione is for changes to the law of Statoil in the Capitol Tuesday to lobby.

include peralle these changes This allows to smoke company a permit, so they can choose to have one of the fumarestabilimento and allowing them to outdoor patios for smoking to be, said Scott Ellis, executive director of the ‘Association.

“I’m all about health, facciofumo not, but it is to choose a business man, “Ellis said,” It is the lorosostentamento are wrong here “(Related story:.? Michigan would endanger its ban on smoking in bars 2 years later, the companies say it hurts the final result).

Ellis knows chehanno companies lost up to 50 percent of their income, since the law came into force. Luisa also several companies that have closed their doors altogether.

Gambling Plans

driver Detroit casinos are of the law, and so are the casinos by the state indianitribù operated.

Cigar bars and tabacconegozi specialty that meet certain criteria are also exempt. Ellis said this esenzionisono unfair, restaurant and bar owners.

“This can not be uneven ground (by law),” he said.

Justin Winslow, vice president for government dellaaffari Michigan Restaurant Association, agrees with Ellis.

He said exceptions removed unoparità conditions and an environment of equal opportunity to compete.

With the economy down difficiledeterminare, is whether the law has helped or hurt restaurants in Michigan, said Winslowha. Some restaurants have seen more customers through their doors mentrealtri less traffic seen it coming, he said.

Since the Act came into force, there were 16 complaints or reported violations of the right to JacksonCounty Health Department, said Steve Hall, Head of Environment and Health.

One of these injur ies has been

fattapubblico when the Hunt Club, 1514 Daniel Road, a smoking room is set in the restaurant in February 2011. Department of Saluteordinò the restaurant to shut it down shortly after and said it was a chiaraviolazione the smoking ban.

The Crazy Cowboy, 215 Mechanic S.St. had some first game from the public if the law was first and foremost, said owner Kim Gamez.

There are some smokers have been the law that they do not go to restaurants Barrée Anymore said excitedly.

“They were punished ristoranticome if it were our fault,” said Gamez. “We had a lot of pain at the beginning.”

The game lasted about unmesi, Gamez said. He also said Smoking did not appreciate that one smokyatmosfera.

“I do not miss odorarecome go home and smoke,” he said. “I think it was positive.”

Karen Drushal, owner of bone Isola Grille in Vandercook Lake, has seen a mix of good and evil come from fumovietare.

He said that is the sale of Keno definitivamentediminuita and the restaurant is not so great pomeriggiopiù of a crowd. you do not want to blame the smoking ban at all . the down economy, have had the high gasoline prices and tougher drunk driving laws.

However, he said, customers can enjoy clean and dil’aria not smell like cigarette smoke.

“We have a lot of loyal cheandare people outside and smoke, then back and enjoy their meal or a drink, “said Drushalha