Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Jackson Memorial Day fundraiser planned for child with rare liver disease

Jackson Memorial Day fundraiser planned for child with rare liver disease

Jackson, MI-Am “to sing for Oscar.” Memorial Day, the North-West dimension for vocalepiani

Oscar Curtis Barton, after 2 months with a baby Jackson raramalattie liver, could not understand the words, but his family is overwhelmed with the response of the community.

“Alicia and Jeremy grateful for the support,” said Kelly Barton, the sister of the mother of Oscar. Alicia and Jeremy Curtis favoreOscar fifth March welcomed into the world.

“I’m so grateful, this meant the mondoloro.” Said Barton.

Barton called the support of the local community “amazing” and “overwhelming.”

Cascades at dusk falls, the music begins.

Northwest Vocal Dimension provides a concert every year, but this year will be a benefit concert, said Nicole Dubois, èpianificazione event.

Dubois is a former member of the group and wanted aiutareOscar and his family.

“It’s a way to try to help a bit, ‘” he said. “I just know that a lot of other things to worry.”

The concert is open to the public with admission $ 4.La fee does not apply to go for Oscar, but participants are encouraged to donate money.

Dubois sold T-shirts and bracelets made of rubber alevento and before. The shirts are going for $ 10 with a 50 percent share in the proceeds of mainstream priced at the Oscars. Most of the money raised from braccialevendite that are $ 3 per piece, go straight to the bottom of Oscar Curtis.

“My aim here to improve the piùsoldi possible,” said Dubois. “I just think I’m imagining in their sh oes.” Will be

in their shoes is not a place qualsiasila family.

Oscar was diagnosed with biliareAtresia to 46 days. He lacks bile ducts in the liver or its range of small channels that sonotroppo.

Doctors performed a

KasaiProcedura if they have the small intestine Oscar for his liver, bile drain consentireper linked earlier this month as a temporary solution.

The process has never worked, said Barton. The next step:. A liver transplant

Barton said he expects Oscarsarà need a transplant before his first birthday.

The family has an account at American 1 Oscar Curtis’ set name. If you wish to donate, call or stop at any place.

go For more information about oscare his trip to , impostareun account and try Oscar Curtis. Alicia and Jeremy sitoregolarmente update.

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