Friday, June 1, 2012

Albion Public Schools Superintendent pool narrowed to two

Albion Public Schools Superintendent pool narrowed to two

Albion, MI – The Albion School Board has reduced its choice for superintendent from a pool of six candidates to two

Jose Vera and Jerri Lynn Williams-Harper. Interviews per second. Vera is a 7 clock Tuesday will take place in the boardroom, Harper-Williams will be interviewed on Wednesday 19.00 clock in the same position. The meetings are open to the public.

Vera was the Director of Business Development at West Life Skills Center in Detroit, until 2010. Life Skills is an alternative public school academy. Harper-Williams is a specialist in literacy in the schools in Flint Beecher Community and was the superintendent until 2011.

The other candidates were Dr. Alex Boyd, O. interviewed Scott Snyder, Terri Mileski and Tracey Lowder.Lowder the main north-east and the former Jackson Elementary School Jackson High School boys basketball coach. Mileski is the superintendent at Concord Community Schools.

“We are pleased to move forward with the interview process and we look forward to working with our new superintendent in the near future,” said Board President Dan Sk ean. “We invite people of Albion and stakeholders to participate in the meetings.”

The Board hopes that its superintendent of 8 June, and the person from 1 July Select. The position was with the resignation of Bobbi Morehead, who as interim director until 1 July, remaining open.

“The Council was happy with all the candidates, and the audience in Albion interviews was welcome to all and enjoyed talking with them after their interviews,” said Kathleen Booher, regional president of the Michigan Leadership Institute. “It was a good week.”

The College Board has been at Albion earlier this year to help in the search for a superintendent hired.

Williams-Harper made headlines in 2009 when it came out of a meeting of the Council after a meeting with the Chairman of the Beecher Community School District. He went to medical the next day and refused to comment on the question when asked by the Flint Journal.

Vera graduated from Calvin College in 1981, and earned his MBA from Western Michigan University in 1997.

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